Corrugated Auction Paddles

Production Time: 18 Working Days
300 $2.34 each
500 $2.14 each
1000 $1.93 each
2000 $1.83 each
3000 $1.77 each
$50.00 each
Corrugated auction paddles are commonly used in auctions and charity events for participants to place their bids. They are made from durable corrugated plastic, which is lightweight yet sturdy. Available in various shapes such as circles, rectangles, and custom designs. Can be printed in full color on one or both sides, often including numbering for easy identification. This can print the customer's logo with different color.

Normal Production Time
18 Working Days

Product Size
8.08" x 12.61" x 0.16"

Additional Information
Product Color: Blue, Pink, Purple, Grey, Green, Black

Additional charges may apply.

We can do rush service if you need, please contact us